Along with the growing awareness of the traumas experienced by neurotypical spouses of adults with Asperger’s autism more and more NT spouses are asking the same questions: Where do I find a good therapist? Where can I find a counsellor with…
Tag: NT
Hjælp for NT ægtefæller til Aspergere/Autister
Hvor får vi hjælp? Findes der nogen hjælp for os, der lever i parforhold med en person med Aspergers syndrom/ højt fungerende autisme? De spørgsmål stiller neurotypiske (NT) 1 ægtefæller overalt i verden. Det er den samme ensomhed og afmagt,…
The burden on NT spouses and children, OTRS
Neurotypical spouses and children of adults with Asperger syndrome (AS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) risk being affected by Ongoing Traumatic Relationship Syndrome (OTRS). What is OTRS? OTRS is a trauma-based syndrome, which can affect people over a long period…
Individuals with Aspergers Autism may deliberately fake it in diagnostic tests
Undiagnosed adults with High functioning autism (Hfa) may deliberately cheat with answers in the questionnaires used in the diagnosis of Hfa. People with AS / High functioning autism can give false answers in order to protect their own self-understanding states leading…
SORG OG GLÆDE – Susannes beretning
Her er min beretning om, hvordan en ganske almindelig kvinde forelsker sig i en mand med Aspergers syndrom, og hvilket helvede turen har været frem mod en ny måde at tænke kærlighed og samliv på.